Dept of Transport

D.O.T. (Department of Transportation)

The Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) oversees the importation of safety standards required for the on-highway use of motor vehicles, motorcycles, trucks, road trailers, road tires, and other manufactured machinery and equipment designated for operation on our nations highway system and public roads. 

Most likely you’re biggest reason for visiting this page is to determine if the vehicle you wish to import into the USA complies with Department of Transportation safety standards.  To that end we provide you this page and the links below which we hope will be of services to you.

Following are links to import D.O.T. web sites for your use:

If you are importing a vehicle (truck, motorcycle, or automobile) into the USA you are advised to also visit our page for E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency) as all vehicles, motorcycles, trucks and recreational vehicles that incorporate an internal combustion engine must also comply to the EPA pollution standards.