Welcome – Security

Security at Sanders Brokerage:

Welcome, and we hope you enjoy the staff and services of Sanders Brokerage Services.  Hopefully by now you know a bit about the background and heritage of Sanders Brokerage Services. 

We take security personally and hold our government’s security programs with high regard.  We have been a proud C-TPAT (Customs Trade Partnership against Terrorism) participant for nearly 10 years, since June of 2003.  As part of our welcome packet to Sanders Brokerage Services it is our responsibility to provide you various documents the security of our great nation.  We encourage you to download and review, Conveyance Inspection Procedures and Sealing Processes.  Other important documents we are compelled to share with our business partners regarding security include 17-point trailer examination protocol, and the Container Seal and Inspection Workshop

We cannot stress enough the importance of container and seal security in the supply chain.  We realize that as a small broker in Blaine, Washington there is very little we can do at the point of origin of the goods to ensure shipping security, and there is little we can do while the goods are in transit.  But if our words, shared documents, website information and publications make any degree of difference then we are proud to say that we are accomplishing our objective of assisting in ensuring the safety of the supply chain. 

Additionally there are mechanisms to report suspicious behavior, and a number of other publication’s, seminars and documents prepared and presented by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Services.  We encourage you to visit their C-TPAT site for more information. 

As we said earlier Sanders Brokerage Services is a proud partner in C-TPAT.  Our C-TPAT SVI number is sanBro02539, and we encourage you to become a C-TPAT participant.   Canada Customs has also developed their PIP (Partners in Protection) security program.  For more information on PIP we encourage you to visit their website. 

 Steve Sanders

. . . for a PDF version of this information click on this link:  Welcome – Letter for Security

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